


My name is Michelle and I am a Chinese student who is studying at college in an arts program. You will get to learn more about me as you keep reading. Enjoy.

My first project

This is the first project I created in my program, where I painted a few abstract shapes on a whiteboard. Later, when I was finished, with a program called Scratch, I connected it to an arduino board and cables, which helps activate sounds upon touching the shapes I painted. The reason why I wanted to include this image was because it was my first time using technology and a bit of programming with art in a project, which I found cool.

Sunflower field

This is a sunflower field I visited during my last week of summer break. The farm is only open for a limited time for a week in the entire year. I included this image as sunflowers are one of my favourite flowers, and because I took it with my DSLR camera.



I enjoy watching K-pop music videos nowadays. K-pop is not only about music, but for its visual and performance aspect, such as its entertaining and sometimes difficult dance choreographies performed by well-groomed members who wear fashionable clothes. A lot of effort and visual production is put into music videos, live stage performances, and of course the members of a group themselves in order to appeal to potential fans. When I was first exposed to K-pop in elementary and middle school through my peers, I was not really interested. However, by the end of high school, I gave it another chance and K-pop eventually grew on me, and is currently the genre of music I listen to most often. My favourite K-pop groups are EXO, BTS, and BLACKPINK.

K-pop groups


I adore cosmetic and beauty products. Like most females who value their appearance, I enjoy applying makeup as it makes me look better and more feminine in general. If I have free time, I will look at beauty blogs online and go on Youtube to view product reviews and tips. On days I have time to apply makeup, I would use foundation as a base for my face, then eyebrow pencil, mascara, eyeshadow, eyeliner, and a red lip tint.

Makeup products

Life Aspirations


I hope to travel the world while I am still young and have the time, as I enjoy being exposed to new cultures and languages while experiencing different scenery. Ideally, I hope to visit South Korea, Japan, France, London, and Los Angeles one day. Also, I would enjoy revisiting China, the United States, Germany, and Italy.

World globe


I am a person who likes writing, photography, and videomaking, so I hope to own my own blog website, and perhaps even Youtube channel one day. Due to this, I am now taking a website creation class, as I remember struggling with coding in elementary school and would like to become more comfortable and familiar with it. I want my blog to be centered on my life, so I would blog about the foods I eat, the music I listen to, my style of clothing, the languages I can speak, and my future travels.
